Friday, January 13, 2012

I Had A Green Job Once

This was first posted in Notes From the Cab about the time all the talk of "green jobs" was in vogue. I Still don't have a clue what a "green job" is. Do you?

I have been wondering lately what a "Green Job" is. It finally occurred to me that I once worked on a project that may well be what the government has in mind.

A few years ago I was bartending for a St Patrick's day event at a venue in downtown Houston and had to wear a silly green leprechaun hat. Of course we were serving green beer and Irish Whiskey. It must not have been that interesting as I had almost forgotten all about it. Apparently there were no "beaver shots" or anything of interest - that is the kind of thing that sort of helps one remember such events. It was not near as interesting as the event that I worked where I had to dress up as a cat. I have very little shame when it comes to making a buck. At any rate at that event I had to go to the back room to replenish my stock and walked in on a fellow employee (also dressed as a cat) being fellated by some bimbo. You see, that sort of thing sticks out in your mind. My "Green Job" paled in comparison to that.

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Gay Male Vampire Comments on My Vampire Analysis

First published in Notes From The Cab 7/10. My original commentary on vampires caused quite a stir in the gay community apparently.

Not so long ago I wrote a small piece comparing the "modern" screen vampires with the original stated intent of trying to determine which vampire is indeed the best of the modern film era. This piece was written rather "tongue in cheek" (no pun intended toward any reader who happens to be gay), with the purpose being more to take a shot at Henry Waxman (D-CA) then to make a true honest comparison of screen vampires. Rather immature I know, but my immaturity runs deep. It helps me to see the humor in things I believe. Be that as it may, one must admit that Waxman does indeed look like one of the vampire/zombie beings in the Will Smith film I Am Legend. I defy anyone to say otherwise.
Now as my writing progressed I did indeed begin to think about the vampires of the recent screen era and did make a comparison. According to Sebastien of Gay Male Vampire, my analysis was rather poor and left out quite a good many vampires such as the ones featured on Buffy and Blade. I plead guilty. I am no expert on vampires, screen or otherwise, but I do enjoy a good vampire movie. One can not deny that Gary Oldman did an excellent job in Dracula and Tom Cruise and Brad Pitt were exceptional in Interview. Antonio Banderas did a great job also in that film. I also pointed out that the film could not have been more gay, and I stand by that statement. Sebastien (what a great name for a vampire) points out that all vampires are gay and I would have to agree with that. It does appear that vampires are very sexual beings and pretty flexible in their tastes. Now Sebastien does note that vampires are not evil in his piece and I would have to disagree with that. Vampires are evil and they are supposed to be evil. It is annoying to me personally to see a vampire have the human traits of conscience and empathy. It destroys the mystique, in my humble opinion. Louis of Interview and Bill in True Blood have just a bit too much humanity left in them to be effective. Now Bill regained his humanity through effort, but Louis' humanity is ingrained. Either way it is unbecoming a vampire. I suspect that is why I don't particularly care for Twighlight. I stand by my statement that Vampires should be both evil and beautiful to behold.
On a rather interesting note, Sebastien points out that there is an "adult" film that goes by the name of Twinklight. That is hilarious and follows the time honored tradition in which the adult film industry produces "take offs" of films from the "legitimate" film industry. Who can forget such names as Romancing the Bone, The Sopornos, the Rambone series, and others too numerous to mention.
Now I checked out and it is not my thing to be sure, but to each his own. If one is so inclined as to have an interest in "gay male vampires" then I would suspect that this site is the place to go.